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Voici une sélection des meilleurs Maxximixs et MixAmiX (Remixs de années 90s diffusés sur Maxximum et réalisés par les meilleurs DJs du moment).

Un régal !


Madonna- Into the groove (remixed by Sanny X)

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James Brown- I feel good (mixed by Sanny X)

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Black Box- Strike It Up

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Brothers in rhytm- Such a good feeling (Cocto & Bibi Fricotin)

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Cartouche- Feel the Groove

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Cathy Denis - Touch me (Fabrice Potec Sensitive Remix)

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Double Dee- Found Love

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François Feldman- MixAmiX Remix par Nagradance- C'est toi qui m'a fait

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Cult Of Snap- High Power

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Ice MC vs Phil Collins - Easy in the air (Fabrice Potec Remix)

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Indeep - Last night a DJ saved my life (Fabrice Potec Save Mix)

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Katherine E I'm Alright

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Lonnie Gordon Gonna Catch You

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Toni Rossi - Il est né

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Mc SAR & The Real McCoy- MixAmiX par Nagradance- It's on you

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PM Dawn - Set adrift on a memory (Fabrice Potec Remix)

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Remote Control - Mission impossible

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Rozlyne Clarke - Eddy steady go (Bibi Fricotin)

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Rozlyne Clarke Eddy Steady Go (Mixamix)

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Serge Gainsbourg- Requiem pour un con (Maxximix)

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Snap - The Power Maxximixx (Joachim Garraud Maxximum)

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Snow - Informer (Fabrice Potec Edit Remix)

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Two Brothers on the 4th Floor - Turn da music up

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